Brookfield Farm Beekeeper Karen Bean
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Category Archives: Honeybees -interesting stuff
Honeybee Food Foraging : Where? Why? How Far?
I get asked a lot at market: how do you know that the bees actually went to “that” honey. “That” honey may be Buckwheat, Alfalfa/Wildflower, Fireweed/Wildflower, or Wildflowers of particular regions in Washington State. Really it is all about flight … Continue reading
Posted in Beekeeping, Honeybee Biology, Honeybees -interesting stuff
Tagged Beekeeping, bees, Brookfield Farm, distances, find, flight, food, forage, honeybees, how, Maple Falls, Washington
How Honeybees Smell
Scent means a lot to bees. They use their sense of smell to check queen quality, sort out friend from foe, locate their hive or new hive after swarming, and find forage. Their sense is so acute that they can … Continue reading
Posted in Honeybee Biology, Honeybees -interesting stuff
Tagged bees, Brookfield Farm, honeybees, how, Maple Falls, scent, smell, Washington
The Eyes Have It : Honeybee Eyes
Honeybees have facinating eyes : all five of them. Two compound eyes on either side of their head, and 3 “extra” eyes on top. That’s a bit antropromorphic, we humans think of two eyes as being “normal”, but for most … Continue reading
Posted in Honeybees -interesting stuff
Tagged bees, Brookfield Farm, compound, eyes, honeybees, Maple Falls, ocelli, simple, Washington
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Why Jaws of Worker Honeybees Differ From Queen Bees
First off, the “jaws” of honeybees are really called mandibles. “Mandibles” is a lot to get in a header, and they do act as jaws. The mandibles open side to side rather than up and down like our jaws. The … Continue reading
Posted in Honeybees -interesting stuff
Tagged Brookfield Farm, honeybee, jaw, mandible, Maple Falls, queens, Washington, worker
Prehistoric Bee Fossils
A tale of three bee fossils: 14 million years ago: honeybees in “North America”, 19 million years ago giant honeybees in “Japan”, 100 million years ago bees in “Burma” Continue reading
Posted in Honeybees -interesting stuff
Tagged amber, bee, bees in amber, fossils, giant bee, honeybee, honeybees, prehistoric
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Do Honeybees Sleep?
How, when, and where honeybees sleep. Research studies sited and linked. How researchers define honey bee sleep. Continue reading
Posted in Honeybees -interesting stuff
Tagged bees, do honeybees sleep, foragers, honeybees, how, nurse, sleep, when, where, why