Brookfield Farm Beekeeper Karen Bean
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Tag Archives: bear
Our First Bear Fence for Bee Hive Protection
I built my first bear fence earlier this fall. Interestingly, it is not in any of my bee yards that are in heavy black bear territory. But the farmer was worried about a bear seen in the area, and wanted … Continue reading
Posted in Beekeeping
Tagged bear, bee, beekeeper, Beekeeping, Brookfield Farm, build, Fence, hives, how to, Karen Bean, make, Maple Falls, Washington
Livestock Guard Dogs and Honeybees
Brookfield Farm’s use of livestock guard dogs to allow our bees to share the wilderness with all wildlife. Continue reading
Posted in Beekeeping
Tagged bear, bears, Beekeeping, bees, black, Brookfield, dogs, Farm, Great, guard, hives, honey, honeybees, how to, livestock, Maple Falls, Maremma, predators, Pryanees, Shar Planinetz, Washington