Brookfield Farm Beekeeper Karen Bean
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Tag Archives: bee hive
Checking and Manipulating Bee Hives in late winter
The sun finally broke out, temperatures went into the low 50F’s so I finally got out to the hives to check them for honey stores, a bit of hive manipulation, and to put in their essential oil patties. The sun … Continue reading
Posted in Beekeeping, Brookfield Farm Bee Yards, Hive Components
Tagged bee hive, Beekeeping, bees, Brookfield Farm, cleaning, honey bound, honeybees, how to, manipulation, Maple Falls, Washington
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Making and Moving Bee Hive Splits
Every year I raise and purchase queen bees, each of which requires her own hive. Thus every year I make and move splits (also known as artificial swarms). I use the “over night split” method to make the splits. The … Continue reading
Posted in Beekeeping, Hive Components
Tagged bee hive, Beekeeping, bees, Brookfield Farm, how to, make, Maple Falls, move, splits, Washington