Brookfield Farm Beekeeper Karen Bean
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Tag Archives: Pat Ray
An Idea for Practicing Grafting Honeybee Larvae
A recap of our group’s queen bee grafting endeavors, and an idea on how to practice grafting honeybee larvae without a cell builder to test one’s grafts Continue reading
Posted in Beekeeping, Queen Rearing : Honeybees
Tagged bee, Beekeeping, bees, Brookfield, Brookfield Farm, cells, Farm, graft, grafting, hives, honeybees, how to, ideas, Karen Bean, larvae, Maple Falls, Mt. Vernon, nucleus, nucs, Pat Ray, practice, queens, Washington
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Grafting Honeybee Larvae to Make Queen Cells
Grafting honeybee larvae to create queen cells. Continue reading
Posted in Beekeeping, Queen Rearing : Honeybees
Tagged bee, Beekeeping, bees, board, Brookfield, Brookfield Farm, cells, cloake, cloake board, cloke, Farm, graft, grafting, hives, honeybees, how to, Karen Bean, larva, larvae, Maple Falls, Pat Ray, queen, Queen cells, queen rearing, queens, rearing, Sue Cobey, Washington
Loading Honeybees for Almond Pollination
Loading 818 honeybee hives onto three trucks which then transported the bees to the California almonds for pollination. Bruce Bowen’s bees, Mount Vernon, Washington. Photos by Karen E. Bean, Brookfield Farm, Maple Falls, Washington. More photos than words on this posting. Continue reading
Posted in Beekeeping
Tagged almonds, bee net, bee trucks, Beekeeping, bees, Brookfield, Brookfield Farm, Bruce Bowen, California, Farm, hives, honeybees, loading, Maple Falls, net, Pat Ray, pollination, trucks, Washington
Success With Bee Hive Smokers
Beekeeper Pat Ray’s method of keeping a bee hive smoker lit – as taught to Bean of Brookfield Farm, Maple Falls, Washington (and a kitty picture) Continue reading
Posted in Beekeeping
Tagged bee, bee smoker, Brookfield Farm, brulap, fuel, hive, hive smoker, Pat Ray, smoker, Washington
Preparing Honeybees to pollinate California almonds
Beekeeper Karen Bean helps Bruce Bowen and Pat Ray prepare honeybees which will go to California for almond pollination. How hives are moved, by forklift and hand dolly; how honey bound hives are corrected; how pallets are cleaned; and just how much wool Bean can get under a bee suit are covered. Continue reading
Posted in Beekeeping
Tagged almonds, bees, bound, Bruce Bowen, California, cleaning, hive pallets, hives, honey, honey bound, Karen Bean, pallets, Pat Ray, pollination, Prepare
Supering at a 1000 hive operation
Putting honey supers on bee hives in Bruce Bowen’s 1000 hive operation in Skagit County, Washington. Continue reading
Posted in Beekeeping
Tagged Bean, bee boxes, bee hives, bee keepers, beekeepers, Bowen, Brookfield, Bruce, Bruce Bowen, Farm, forklift, hives, honey, Karen, Pat, Pat Ray, Ray, Skagit, super, supering, truck, Washington
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